Productivity in our Schools: Introducing me and my Project!

Dear Reader, 

Welcome to the Blog!  My name is Jillian Stone and I am a current High School Senior who is completing Psychological Research within my school.  My focus for this project is to analyze the multifacetedness of productivity within our school environment and weigh the impact of each factor.  I have a lot of experience as a peer-educator and student leader.  The time I have spent in these roles made me realize that every individual is capable of productivity and achieving their goals, but there are certain roadblocks for some students, making these goals harder to achieve.  With this project I want to provide information, analyses, and potential solutions so our learning community can be made better for all those involved.   

To complete this research I firstly surveyed the Student Body to gain a clear, statistical understanding of the student perspective on this topic using the five following factors:  motivation, home life and support group, mental health, self-concept, and situational factors.  Then, I found research that supports my claims and further explains the background of some of my statistical findings.  This helps us further understand what exactly causes deficits in productivity and our role, rather than just acknowledging that the deficits exist. 

Though I do not anticipate that my work will end here.  As I read more articles I will continue to add my commentary and contextualize these papers for adolescents.  

Feel free to comment and tell me what you think!

-Jillian Stone


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